ffmpeg convert mp3 to wav

ffmpeg -i file.mp3 -acodec pcm_u8 -ar 22050 file.wav…

How To Use Rsync to Sync with a Remote System

rsync -aP localPath user@remoteTarget:remotePath The -P option combines –progress and –partial The -a (--archive) option combines -rlptgoD Add -z to compress data if it’s worth it.…

My git cheatsheet

Some pretty usefull git command I never remember :) Remove all local branches already merged in master git branch --merged master | xargs -L1 git branch -d and to keep master out of the result a grep will do git branch --merged master | grep -v "master" | xargs -L1 git branch -d update…

Checking Stripe Webhook Signatures from NestJS

The short story You are using NestJS and want to verify Stripe Webhook signature but your are facing the following error Error: No signatures found matching the expected signature for payload. Are you passing the raw request body you received from Stripe? https://github.com/stripe/stripe-node#webhook-signing Stripe needs…

.mov to gifanim

As simple as that: ffmpeg -i input.mov -pix_fmt rgb24 -r 10 outpout.gif…

Co-working, co-living, remote, nomad

Remote working is great, doing it since 2005 and love it for many many reasons. I already worked from home, local co-working spaces, coffee shops, car, train, plane. I don’t want to limit myself to home or local co-working spaces, this is why I want to go abroad…

MeteorJS introduction at Meetup14 of nantesjs.org

Here are my slides and demo of my talk on MeteorJS given at the NantesJS Meetup14 on 2015.11.19 Slides: http://yanndanthu.github.io/slides/meteorjs-nantesjs2015/ Demo: https://github.com/YannDanthu/chat-app…

Meteor: data not correctly published after collection updated on server side.

I have experienced a strange behavior with Meteor publish lately. This was due to package vue:vue (https://atmospherejs.com/vue/vue) Problem: why my data disappeared ? Collection on client side was correct, with the expected data, until it was updated on server side. Updating the collection from client side…

Some Angular.js resource for best practice


First post after hubpress.io install

Next step is to move my current wordpress blog to hubpress :) nice.…