Different ways to configure spring data in xml conf:

Spring data mongo conf using factory <!-- Spring data mongo conf using factory --> <mongo:mongo id="mongo" replica-set="${mongo.database.url}" /> <mongo:db-factory id="mongoDbFactory" mongo-ref="mongo" dbname="${mongo.database.name}" username="${mongo.database.username}"…

com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not deserialize instance of * out of START_ARRAY token

I encounter this exception after a (massive) maven dependencies update which included CXF and Spring. The project was supposed to be updated with Jackson 2.3 but the stack shows that vesion 2.2.3 of jackson-databind is used. com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Can not deserialize instance of com.…

Nas4Free – migrate ZFS mirror to bunch of disk

Question: How to change a ZFS pool configuration made of mirror disks into a bunch of disks in nas4free ? This is in fact an easy process. To complete this task will use the command line zpool command and the nas4free synchronize features available in the Disks/ZFS/Configuration/Synchronize page.…

Calling REST services with AngluarJS

We have seen the server side part of REST with Spring MVC. Now its time of getting to the frontend side with AngularJS. I will try to do it simple and accurate. ;) Goal: How to request REST service and handle response with AngularJS. Introduction Let’s use our REST service…

REST with Spring MVC

[underline] Goal Introduction to REST, JSON and Spring MVC. To do so, let’s implement a REST service with Spring MVC. [underline] RESTFul principles Uniform interface Stateless Cacheable Client Server mode Where SOAP services are based on verbs (like methods exposed by an interface) , REST are based on resources. When…

IP GeoLocation with AngularJS

Your web site is available in different language and you want to select the one matching the client location. To be accurate we need to locate the client IP to retrieve the country it belongs to. How to do it fast and simple ? Let’s use an existing free IP…

Great icons for web site

You will find plenty of web site dedicated to icons. Here are my favorites. clean icons http://www.iconsdb.com huge collection https://www.iconfinder.com awesome vector font icon at http://fontawesome.io I will update it over time.…

Grayscale image using CSS

Need a grayscale to color effect applied to images used in menu or button ? I do ;) Doing it the old would need to create colored and grayed image and use either javascript or CSS background-image. But today CSS should be enough to accomplish this task. Here is how: img.grayscale{…

Coding with a mac french keyboard

Coding requires some specific characters such as [ ] { } ( ) \ Unfortunately the Apple french keyboard (wireless or macbook) does not show brackets, curlybraces and backslash. Also, a lot of characters are available with key combination but not displayed on the keyboard. Learning these combinations is an option. Displaying the available character…

I need a NAS for TimeMachine

My needs Apple’s backup TimeMachine is the backup solution offered for every Mac owner, if he did not got stuck with Tiger ;) Plug an external disk and here you go, you can backup your Mac on it. Great! Easy! Nice! What if I want to backup elsewhere than on…